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The Mummy Books and Key Bundle – The Mummy


The Mummy Books and Key Bundle – The Mummy


This bundle includes 3D printable props of the Book of the Dead, the Book and Amun-Ra – aka The Book of the Living, and the Mummy Key of Hamunaptra from the 1999 version of The Mummy.

Both books includes all six internal pages with front and rear hieroglyphic details accurate created to the original movie props. Alternatively, I’ve included a set of “fake pages” if you’d prefer to use the books as secret storage boxes. Both of these versions are included in the download.

The locking mechanism on the front of the books also works by rotating them 90 degrees to the right, as per the movie. A guide on how to create this mechanism is included in the Makers Handbook, along with all the necessary 3D printable parts in the download.

The Mummy Key of Hamunaptra comes in two versions: a simple version that can be kept in an open or closed form, or manually swapped between the two, and a spring loaded version that pings open when you twist the base the same as the movie original. The spring loaded version requires a few extra pieces which are detailed in the included Makers Handbook. Both versions of the key are included in the download.

Please note that this is a 3D printable digital download that you will have to print and build yourself, not a finished prop or kit. Due to the instant automated delivery method, refunds cannot be given for purchases made in error.

Printed Prop Dimensions

Recommended Printer Sizes

Min 20 x 20cm Print Bed, Min 30 x 30cm Print Bed

Download Details

Available on Patreon

Get this model and dozens more as part of a monthly prop membership on Patreon



Both books includes all six internal pages with front and rear hieroglyphic details accurate created to the original movie props. Alternatively, I’ve included a set of “fake pages” if you’d prefer to use the books as secret storage boxes. Both of these versions are included in the download.

The locking mechanism on the front of the books also works by rotating them 90 degrees to the right, as per the movie. A guide on how to create this mechanism is included in the Makers Handbook, along with all the necessary 3D printable parts in the download.

The Mummy Key of Hamunaptra comes in two versions: a simple version that can be kept in an open or closed form, or manually swapped between the two, and a spring loaded version that pings open when you twist the base the same as the movie original. The spring loaded version requires a few extra pieces which are detailed in the included Makers Handbook. Both versions of the key are included in the download.


Models are for personal use only. If you are interested in selling versions of my props you can do so as part of my Patreon at

Files are for Personal Use only distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License